Do you ever feel like you put that last toy away in its rightful place. You come back a minute later and the house is back to a battlefield between Peppa Pig, Spider-Man or if you’re really unlucky the dreaded ‘Lego’? Do you sometimes think ‘what’s the point?’ It can be tempting to want to throw it all out, but surely there’s got to be an easier way to this none rewarding task? Here are some tips/ideas we’ve picked up along the way.  

Separate boxes for separate items

Buy plastic boxes, each toy and it’s ‘bits’ should go in a separate box, e.g., any ‘doll’ related items are to go in the same box; a full train set and all its parts in another, cars in another etc. This will help children to learn what goes together eventually by the time they learn to tidy themselves! If you think of yourself as a bit of a Stacey Solomon you can divide your Lego into boxes by colour (we’d personally give that a miss!)

Make a game of it

Ask Alexa to play ‘the tidy up song’ and get your little one to join in, make it a game rather than a chore! A lot of schools and nurseries take this approach, so you might be surprised that your child already knows the song!

Rotate toys and games

We all know children tend to get too many toys for Christmas/Birthdays. Why not put some away and then rotate them every few weeks or months. This will make children appreciate items more. It also means you haven’t got everything out all at once if you are struggling for space

Anti-bacterial wipes are your friend

The good thing about children’s toys, they are mainly plastic! This means they are easy to wipe over every so often with an anti-bacterial wipe. Help keep those germs away! 


Why not teach your children as they grow out of toys and games that they can then be donated to a charity shop, playgroup or even another child. This can also be a good lesson in helping others and doing good deeds.

And lastly, remember to enjoy the time you have with your little ones! Don’t let worrying about tiding take over the time you have to spend with them!

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