decluttering tips

It’s pretty common for a home to get cluttered with clothes, books, and random stuff, but living like that isn’t ideal. A cluttered home can feel small and cramped, and it might even add to your stress or anxiety because it messes with your focus and raises your tension levels. Luckily, you don’t have to put up with the clutter forever. You can take control of your space with some simple rules, going beyond just basic decluttering. 

Regular cleaning is key to keeping clutter at bay and maintaining an organized home. By establishing a routine, you’ll keep things in check and prevent the buildup of unnecessary items. It’s not just about tidying up, it’s about creating a space where you can truly relax and feel comfortable. 

Domestic cleaning experts at Poppies Cleaning Services are here to help you with some expert decluttering tips to reclaim your home and make it feel open and organized again. From practical advice on managing your belongings to providing regular cleaning services, we’re committed to making your space as stress-free and inviting as possible. Let us help you get back to enjoying your home!

Focus One Room At A Time

To avoid feeling overwhelmed by clutter, try tackling one room at a time. Start with the main areas like your living room and kitchen, then move on to your bedroom and other private spots. It’ll help you manage things better and keep track of what you’re keeping and what you’re letting go. And if you need some extra help, Poppies Domestic Cleaning Services has got your back. We offer regular cleaning services that can help keep your space organized and clutter-free.

Evaluate Each Item Carefully

Sometimes, getting rid of clutter isn’t just about tossing things in a donation pile or recycling bin. You need to really think about each item to avoid accidentally getting rid of something you actually use or need. For example, with your clothes, if you haven’t worn a particular sweater in over a year, even during the winter, chances are you’re not going to miss it once it’s donated. It’s a good way to make sure you’re only keeping what’s truly useful to you. 

Get Rid of Duplicate Items

Think about it, do you really need three pink coffee mugs or five wine glasses if you hardly ever have guests over? Things like dinnerware, utensils, tote bags, and picture frames often end up duplicated, even if they weren’t bought as a set. It’s easy for these items to pile up and create unnecessary clutter. 

Now might be the perfect time to trim down your collection and get rid of the duplicates you don’t actually use. It’ll make your space look so much better and help you feel more organized and relaxed. Regular cleaning is super important for staying on top of this, by tidying up regularly, you keep your home in order and prevent clutter from sneaking back in. 

And if you need any help with keeping your space organized or just want some tips, Poppies Cleaning Services has got you covered. We’re here to help make your home as clean and comfortable as possible! 

Determine What Can Be Used Digitally

In today’s world of streaming, e-readers, and cloud storage, you don’t really need to hold onto physical copies of your media. While it’s great to keep a few items for your collection or to admire cover art, consider donating those CDs, DVDs, and old reading materials you rarely use. Switching to digital copies can clear up a lot of space and reduce clutter. You might even sell them to make a few extra bucks! For important documents and photos, scanning them and storing them digitally is a smart move. Keep the physical copies you truly value organized and out of the way. And remember, if you need help maintaining a clutter-free home, our regular domestic cleaning services are here to keep everything in top shape. 

Determine Your Wants vs. Needs

At Poppies Cleaning Services, we totally get that impulse shopping can make it tricky to keep clutter at bay. It’s a great idea to start figuring out what you really need versus what you just want. Replacing something that’s worn out is one thing, but buying something just because you love the color? That’s another story. 

A handy trick is to sleep on it before you buy. If you’re not thinking about it the next day, it might not be something you truly need. Ask yourself, “Do I NEED this item, or do I just WANT it?” and “Do I have space for this right now?” It’s all about keeping things simple and clutter-free. And if you ever need a hand with keeping your space tidy, our regular cleaning services are here to help out. 

One Item In, One Item Out 

At Poppies Cleaning Services, we totally get that you want to treat yourself from time to time. But if you go overboard, it can quickly clutter up your space. Here’s a handy tip: try the “one in, one out” rule. Whenever you buy something new, make sure to get rid of an old item to make room for it. This way, you’ll save space and money, plus it’ll make you think twice about whether the new purchase is worth letting go of something you already have. It’s a great way to keep your home clutter-free while still enjoying the occasional treat. And if you need a hand keeping everything in order, our cleaning services are always here to help! 

Skip The Free Items

At Poppies Cleaning Services, we’ve got a great tip for keeping your home clutter-free. With so many people leaving unwanted items out for others to take, it can be easy to accumulate more stuff than you planned. If you find yourself collecting too many freebies, try turning off notifications for your neighborhood groups so you’re not tempted. Also, when you’re offered a free item with a purchase, think twice before taking it. If you don’t really need it, consider passing it up or donating it right away. This way, you’ll keep your space tidy and avoid cluttering up your home with things you don’t actually need. And remember, if you need a hand keeping everything in order, our cleaning services are here to help!  

Don’t Let Guilt Win 

At Poppies Cleaning Services, we know that guilt can make decluttering tough, but you don’t have to hold onto every item you buy or receive as a gift. Sometimes, making tough decisions is key to getting your clutter under control. If there’s something you know you’ll never wear or use, don’t be afraid to donate, sell, or give it away. It doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate the gift—it just means someone else will benefit from it. This way, you keep your space clutter-free and make sure those items get put to good use. And if you need any help staying organized, our cleaning services are here to assist you!

Decluttering is such a key part of getting your home clean and organized. It might seem like a lot of effort, but it’s totally worth it to take back your space and make it feel better. If you’re finding it a bit overwhelming to sort through everything or need help cleaning up after you’ve tackled some clutter, Poppies Cleaning Services can really make a difference. They tailor each cleaning session to what you need, so everything gets sorted just right. If you want to check them out, their website is They’ve got all the info on their services and how to reach them. They’re super helpful for getting your home back in shape! 

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This post was written by saumyamishra