Temporary Help

It’s about Time to Recover.

There are times when you need to be a priority. Life can just knock you off your feet. Maybe a new baby tires you out, or an operation, injury or illness stops you doing things the way you want.

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Recuperation takes time, and it can take longer to get better if you don’t have help.

Faced with an urgent need to take care of yourself the very last you thing you need to worry about is housework. Of course your home does need to be cleaned and maintained; clothes (and beds) will need washing and perhaps ironing. It’s just that YOU shouldn’t be doing it.

Who can do it for you? Poppies of course!

Not only can we take over your regular cleaning we can help with your shopping, do the washing up, change towels and beds – we’ll even pick up the children’s toys – just this one time!

Call Poppies Exeter and we will meet with you to agree a plan of action. We can do as little or as much as you want – as long as we do the things that really will make a difference to you – so that you can concentrate on getting fit.

Everybody needs help sometimes and however well-meaning friends, relatives and neighbours are not always best placed to do the things you really need when you need them.

Poppies Exeter are the professionals – reliable, consistent and responsible.

Contact us today about our temporary help services

Poppies Domestic Cleaning Services

There are times when life puts you out of action and it takes time for you to get back on your feet.

Maybe you’re recovering from an illness, injury or operation, are currently pregnant or have recently given birth. During difficult or demanding situations like these, it can be hard (if not physically impossible) to look after the housework. Watching your home become messy, cluttered and unclean is the last thing you need.

Don’t worry, though, because Poppies’ Temporary Help service can be the helping hand you desperately need.

With 40 years of experience as a professional and premium cleaning service provider, we can take care of any task around your home. Our friendly, professional and reliable domestic operatives can offer everything from deep cleaning and general tidying to washing up and changing beds. If you’re laid up and unable to leave the house, we can even go out and do the shopping for you.

At Poppies, we understand the value of a clean, tidy and pleasant home. From experience, we’ve seen the benefits our service brings to our clients, from relieving stress and providing respite to improving happiness. When you’re going through a tough spot, Poppies’ Temporary Help service can make an even bigger difference to your life.

The service is ideal for those who are looking for more than a one-off cleaning session but don’t quite need a regular housework service (which is optimal for three months or longer). Your package is tailored to your individual needs and can include any of the following services:

  • Cleaning — From hoovering the carpets and mopping the floors to scrubbing the counters and polishing the furniture, no cleaning job is too difficult or demanding for Poppies’ domestic operatives. Providing an excellent cleaning service is what we do best.
  • General Tidying — It’s easy for clutter to build up around the house, especially if you’re a new mum. Your dedicated domestic operative will work their decluttering magic and restore order and organisation back to your home.
  • Laundry & Ironing — In addition to sprucing up your home, we’ll also look after the laundry and ironing. From regular clothes garments to large items like bed sheets and duvet covers, you’ll never have to worry about the dirty laundry piling up with our Temporary Help service. If you have any washing preferences for certain items, simply let us know.
  • Washing Up — Dirty dishes aren’t a pretty sight and they usually come with an unpleasant odour. Whether it’s a pile up of pots and pans or just a few mugs and glasses, we’ll take care of the washing up and leave your kitchen looking and smelling clean.
  • Changing Beds & Towels — If you’re recuperating from a physical setback, getting out of bed can be difficult enough, let alone changing it. We’ll work around you and make sure you’re always using clean, fresh and hygienic bed sheets. The same goes for your towels.
  • Help with the Shopping — Whether you’re recovering from an illness or operation or busy looking after your little one, doing the shopping is easier said than done. With our Temporary Help service, simply write us a shopping list and we’ll go out on a grocery run for you.
Domestic Cleaning Services

Contact us today about our temporary help services

Written Specification

Before we can provide you with a Temporary Help service, we’ll arrange to visit your home for a consultation. This allows us to view your property, meet you in person and gain a thorough understanding of how our service can satisfy your needs. After that, you’ll receive a written specification outlining what we’ll do during each visit and how much it’ll cost.


Continuity and familiarity is in everyone’s best interest, which is why we’ll always try to send the same domestic operative to your home. This way, we can get fully acquainted with your property and preferences while giving you the chance to get to know your Poppies operative. It’s important to us that you feel comfortable in your own home while your service is being carried out.

If your regular Poppies operative can’t make it to your home, perhaps due to an illness or staff holiday, we’ll simply end another suitable operative to your house. We’ll fully brief them on your package, property and preferences so you can count on receiving the same high standard of service.


While all of our domestic operatives are carefully recruited and highly trained, we also employ Quality Control supervisors to be doubly sure you’re receiving the best service possible. Our supervisors check that each cleaning session is carried out properly while making sure that any changes you want to make to your package are made quickly and seamlessly.

If you’ve been knocked off your feet and need temporary help around the house, contact Poppies Exeter today.

Poppies Domestic Cleaning Services

Contact Poppies about Temporary Help

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    Domestic Cleaning Services

    " Hi Becky I have been meaning to let you know that Lisa is FAB it's so nice coming home after she has been. Thank you.... "

    - Karen (Lympstone)

    [email protected] 01392 270777