Keeping your home clean is one thing, keeping it dust-free is quite another. Dust seems to accumulate so quickly! But here are some great ways to combat the piling particles;

Keep clothes off the floor

Dust and dirt accumulate very easily in textiles, so it’s best to keep your clothes in the wardrobe, in a chest of drawers or even hang on the back of a door. Piles of clothes on the floor will increase the dust in the room and may attract insects.

Be sure to use a damp cloth

Damp cloths will absorb the dust on any surfaces and furniture. Then you can simply wash the cloth! This can cut down on your dusting as well. There’s a lot of products out there that are made for damp dusting, there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing the dust cling to the cloth.

Air out your rooms regularly

It’s amazing what a little fresh air can do. When the weather is nice open some windows and doors. Not only will this help minimize dust, but it will also brighten and freshen your entire home.

Stick to washable materials on the bed

And wash them often. As said earlier dust can easily accumulate in textiles so it’s important to keep your bed clean.

Remove carpeting and stick to wood or tile

Even when vacuumed, a carpet holds onto more dust than hard flooring. If dust is a big issue for your family, you may want to remove the carpeting in your house or at least some of your rugs.


Knickknacks gather a lot of dust, and they are often difficult to clean. If you do have knickknacks you want to display, maybe consider a glass cabinet to keep them in so they stay dust free.

Sweep, dust, and vacuum regularly

This may be a no-brainer but it’s still important. There’s no consensus on whether dusting first or vacuuming first is better, so do whatever is easier for you and your home.

You may want to keep pets out of your bedroom

If your allergies to dust are bad enough, this may be the best option. If you can’t stand to be away from them, make sure you are vacuuming and dusting often.

Wash your curtains often

You may not think curtains get dirty, but they get dusty. If you want to minimize dust in your home, cleaning them monthly is a good idea.

Quick Cleaning Hacks for dusting;

Use a lint roller – most people think these are just for clothes, but they can be used on lampshades, curtains, sofas and upholstered furniture around the house.

Use tumble-dryer sheets – tumble dryer sheets are great at collecting dust and they smell amazing! Every week you can wipe over your sofa and cushions to give it a quick re-fresh. You can even pop one in your cushions to make them smell great again!

Mop pole and sock – spiderwebs can get in the most difficult to reach places. The quickest way to get rid of them is to use a mop pole with a sock placed over the end. You now have a high reaching duster!

Paint brush – a paintbrush is an ideal tiny duster to get into them nooks and crannies, great for keyboards and around windows!

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