Lynn Sheffield Story

Meet Lynne, a cleaner and office admin for Poppies Sheffield. She joined the company in March 2020 after working at Morrisons for 19 years. Her friend, who works at Poppies, after the staff were moved around after redundancies at Morrisons, recommended Lynne to the Poppies. Lynne contacted Poppies, had a successful interview and started working just two days before the first lockdown in the UK. 

Although Lynne wasn’t eligible for furlough, Nigel, her manager, helped her to start working and earning as soon as possible. She admits to panicking at first because no one knew what was happening during the initial six weeks of the pandemic. But the team at Poppies was very supportive and welcoming, making her feel comfortable in her new role. 

Lynne enjoys working at Poppies because of the team. Everyone is friendly, and it’s great to get back into something using her mind. She also finds Poppies as an employer very supportive, and there is always someone at the end of the phone if she needs help. The company provides ongoing training in the office and offers lots of shadowing opportunities to help staff learn new skills. 

Lynne has found a great sense of community and belonging within the team at Poppies Sheffield. She describes her colleagues as lovely and has built strong friendships with them. They often chat and have a laugh while working, making the working day more enjoyable. It’s this team spirit that has helped her settle in and feel comfortable in her role. 

Lynne also enjoys interacting with customers and has built up a loyal base of regular customers who request her services. She takes pride in her work and is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure the customers are happy with the results. The friendly and positive attitude of the customers also makes her job more enjoyable, and she finds it rewarding to see how happy they are with her work.  

In 2022, Lynne joined the office admin team, and now she currently does both cleaning and office admin work. She finds Poppies very accommodating and family-friendly, and it’s rare to work on the weekends. “I wish I’d had this opportunity 20 years ago when my children were growing up. I would have had more quality time at home with my family.” Lynne explained. 

“I’d recommend Poppies to anyone who is looking for a job that can fit around their situation.” added Lynne.  

Poppies Sheffield continues to hold true to the values and ethos within Poppies by providing a supportive and welcoming environment for its employees. Offering ongoing training and opportunities for staff to progress in their careers.  

Lynne closes by adding “The team are lovely, as well as the customers.”  

If you’re looking for a family-friendly job, Poppies could be the perfect fit for you.  

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This post was written by kirstyrickett